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Demographic profile by race and ethnicity


Demographic profile by race and ethnicity, 1997
Category Race
Total County White Black Asian or Pac. Islander Hispanic Origin
Household Population 823,500 601,155 110,100 89,505 70,720
% of Total Population 100% 73.0% 13.4% 10.9% 8.6%
% Female 53.2% 52.6% 55.5% 53.4% 53.2%
Age distribution
% 0-4 7.1% 6.8% 7.3% 7.4% 9.4%
% 5-17 18.4% 17.1% 23.9% 19.7% 24.2%
% 18-29 13.1% 11.9% 18.0% 15.1% 16.7%
% 30-44 26.9% 26.2% 28.0% 28.8% 28.4%
% 45-64 23.0% 24.4% 17.2% 22.5% 16.9%
% 65-74 6.5% 7.3% 3.5% 4.6% 3.1%
% Over 74 5.1% 6.3% 2.0% 1.9% 1.4%
Average Age 36.0 37.6 30.5 33.1 29.3
% Hispanic Origin** 8.6% 8.8% 2.3% * 100.0%
Education attainment: persons 25 years and older
Total 559,835 422,285 65,475 57,625 40,405
% < H.S. Diploma 8.4% 7.4% 11.8% 9.3% 21.1%
% H.S. Graduate 27.9% 27.5% 36.7% 19.6% 35.2%
% Assoc/Trade Sch 4.5% 4.2% 7.5% 3.4% 4.6%
%Bachelor's Deg 28.6% 29.2% 23.9% 31.9% 17.9%
% Grad/Prof/PhD 30.6% 31.7% 20.2% 35.7% 21.2%
Labor force
No. Emp Residents*** 464,115 340,170 62,335 49,565 38,325
% Female Emp *** 67.4% 66.1% 77.5% 64.5% 71.8%
Women/Children < 6 61,205 41,480 9,280 8,120 6,595
% Employed *** 68.1% 68.6% 78.1% 56.7% 66.1%
% Private for Profit 49.7% 49.2% 50.5% 52.5% 48.5%
% Private not for Prof 13.2% 12.9% 13.3% 15.7% 17.6%
% Self-Employed 11.3% 11.9% 6.4% 10.4% 15.0%
% Government 25.8% 26.0% 29.2% 21.3% 18.9%
Work location
% In the County 57.9% 58.8% 53.0% 56.4% 58.1%
% Inside Beltway 18.4% 18.1% 20.2% 18.3% 22.1%
% Outside Beltway 39.5% 40.7% 32.8% 38.1% 36.0%
% Elsewhere MD 9.2% 9.1% 9.3% 9.6% 6.3%
% to D.C 23.6% 22.7% 28.7% 23.5% 28.7%
% to Virginia 8.0% 8.2% 7.2% 8.3% 5.5%
Work Trip
% Driving 81.6% 82.5% 76.7% 82.0% 79.3%
% Alone 72.5% 73.6% 67.6% 71.4% 66.0%
% Carpool 9.1% 9.0% 9.1% 10.6% 13.3%
% Public Trans 13.2% 12.1% 19.2% 13.1% 16.4%
% Walk/Bike/Other 1.9% 1.8% 2.3% 1.6% 2.1%
% Working at Home 3.3% 3.5% 1.9% 3.3% 2.2%
Access to Metrorail
% Car 53.2% 55.2% 34.6% 59.8% 64.5%
% Ride-On/bus 17.1% 13.3% 35.5% 24.4% 18.1%
% Walk/Bicycle 29.7% 31.5% 29.9% 15.8% 17.4%
HHs by Race of HH Head 823,500 601,155 110,100 89,505 70,720
% Total Households 100% 73.0% 13.4% 10.9% 8.6%
Avg Household Size 53.2% 52.6% 55.5% 53.4% 53.2%
% Rental 28.8% 23.1% 56.8% 34.0% 41.4%
Average Monthly Housing Costs
Homeowners $1,244 $1,230 $1,172 $1,508 $1,268
Renters $804 $827 $744 $818 $744
% in Same Home 5 Yrs 56.1% 61.0% 36.7% 44.8% 46.0%
Median Yrs Same Home 6 8 4 5 4
Avg Age of HH Head 49.1 50.5 43.6 45.8 43.5
% HHs with Foreign Born Head or Spouse 26.2% 17.8% 28.8% 89.6% 77.5%
Households by Type
% Family HHs 74.9% 73.0% 76.8% 88.5% 88.4%
% Married-Couple 63.6% 64.2% 50.1% 78.2% 73.0%
% Single-Parent 9.5% 7.4% 23.7% 6.9% 12.8%
% Nonfamily HHs 25.1% 27.0% 23.2% 11.5% 11.6%
% one-person HH 22.3% 24.0% 20.1% 10.0% 10.4%
Persons in Households
% 1 Person 22.3 24.0% 20.1% 10.0% 10.4%
% 2 Persons 33.6% 35.3% 29.6% 23.1% 20.3%
% 3 Persons 17.3% 16.3% 20.8% 24.2% 21.9%
% 4 Persons 16.1% 15.1% 16.1% 25.2% 23.3%
% 5+ Persons 10.8% 9.3% 13.5% 17.5% 24.1%
Avg Number of Cars 1.8 1.8 1.5 2.0 1.9
%HHs with Computers 67.6% 68.1% 57.6% 78.3% 65.0%
% with Internet Connection 63.2% 64.2% 55.0% 64.0% 64.7%
Income: 1996 HH Income
% Under $15,000 4.1% 3.6% 6.7% 4.5% 6.2%
% $15,000 to $29,999 9.9% 8.6% 14.2% 12.1% 20.6%
% $30,000 to $49,999 20.0% 18.3% 28.7% 19.6% 26.7%
% $50,000 to $69,999 19.1% 19.1% 20.5% 17.3% 17.2%
% $70,000 to $99,999 19.5% 20.4% 15.6% 20.3% 15.4%
% $100,000+ 27.4% 30.0% 14.4% 26.2% 14.0%
1996 Median HH Income $66,085 $70,515 $50,325 $65,630 $47,310
% of HHs Spending > 25% of Income on Housing Costs
% Homeowners 21.1% 18.8% 25.5% 33.4% 42.8%
% Renters 39.7% 36.0% 41.3% 52.9% 51.4%

* Insufficient data for reliable estimates.
**Those of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
***Ages 16 and older and employed full- or part-time.
HH = Households
Source: Census Update Survey, Research & Technology Center, M-NCPPC, June 2000